Lunch at Sodexo – SAVE 3 € DAILY

Laurus, Sodexo

Sodexo has four lunch restaurants on the campuses of the University of Helsinki: the traditional Laurus restaurant in the university main building and Ladonlukko restaurant in Viikki (A-building), as well as newcomers in the university main building: staff restaurant Flora and the cafe Civis.

As a member, you get lunch at the staff price in all Sodexo campus restaurants: €7.30 in Laurus (regular price €10.40), €6.95 in Ladonlukko (regular price €9.80), €9.90 in Flora (regular price 11.50 €) and €8.80 in Civis (regular price €10.40). In addition to the main course, the lunch includes a side salad with dressing, bread and spread, a beverage with the food and coffee or tea (does not apply at the Civis cafe).

You can get the discount by showing your membership card at the checkout.