Asko Mäkelä is an alumnus


Alumni can help students – and the university – as mentors to find their place in their field. I learned a great deal about the expertise available at the university during my time on the advisory committee of university of Helsinki Funds. now i participate in alumni events to engage in similar, intellectually stimulating conversations and access the latest knowledge. Fundraising is important for all, including those of us who have studied the humanities. i have personally had the opportunity to donate 1,000 euros to the university, and intend to make a similar contribution in the future. All donations, regardless of size, make a difference.

As an alumnus, I hope the university understands that students are its most important clients. Right now it seems as if students have been left to fend for themselves in a maze of bureaucracy. Perhaps a new type of amanuensis could provide staff with better opportunities to concentrate on supporting students in becoming excellent scholars. The Alumni Association gives me the chance to shape the future of an international university. Although money is important, the humanities help reduce inequality and expand democracy. For me, being an alumnus is about promoting optimism.

Asko Mäkelä
Faculty of Arts