Meeting and cocktails

Chi­na Alumni Club
The dif­fe­rences in Chi­ne­se and Fin­nish educa­tion

Welcome to take part in The University of Helsinki China Alumni Club event on October 14th 2017 at 15:30-18:30. The event is at The Ambassador’s residence, 30 Guanghua Lu BEIJING. You will have the opportunity to network and mingle with fellow alumni. Present will be persons who are interested in and work with implementing Finnish educational know-how.


15:30-16:15 Mingling and cocktails hosted by the residence and the club with key stakeholders in education present as well as researchers from the University of Helsinki.

16:05-16:15 The Ambassador Jarno Syrjälä as well as the President of the University Jukka Kola: Welcoming words

16:15-17:00 Joint discussion about the difference in Chinese and Finnish education followed by greetings by the head of the China Alumni Board, CHEN Yifeng, LL.D, Assistant Professor, Peking University Law School Associate.

16:15-17:00 Learning is meant to be fun! Learning trough playing for 3-8 children of the age of 0-5. During the discussion two teachers fluent in English from Dibi Academy play with the children in a separate room. Parents are welcome to participate.

17:00-18:30 Speed networking and buffet.

18:00-18:15 Director Johan Storgård presents the playful learning pedagogy.

18:15-18:30 Professor, Dr. Maija Aksela from the University of Helsinki presents the LUMA Centre China. The aim is to inspire and motivate children and youth into mathematics, science and technology through the latest methods and activities of science and technology education.


Don’t forget your business cards. If your company or organization is interested in getting in contact with the alumni in the club, please do not hesitate to contact us.